Bereavement support and development
Secretariat and Development of the Sheffield COVID memorial group
Environment and enforcement team advice and guidance on mosques, places of worship and wedding halls and religious festivals
Suicide support and engagement during COVID
Averaged 2.5 days per week being accessible to all faith communities in Sheffield as required
Video for faith communities on vaccination program
YouTube video that has over 200 views, showing faith community members and leaders discussing the vaccine, promoting it’s uptake in Sheffield*
Funeral and deaths for faith communities protocols and community management
Updating and maintaining the sheffaithcomm website to update faith communities on guidance, lockdowns, vaccine and testing sites, and much more.
6 meeting co-chaired or lead with the Director of Public health of Sheffield, Greg Fell, as needed
Universal credit and food-banks support
Religious festival support and letters as needed
Mosques guidance as needed
Communications assets, letters, social media
Signposting COVID-19 information as and when is needed in line with the guidance.
Supported the ongoing process of reopening places of worship
Secured holiday hunger programme development for next year with dedicated support for BAME and underserved communities
Secured in excess of £500k of funding direct to BAME groups – supported the development and Infrastructure support for COVID grant round 1 and 2
Supported secretariat work around the BAME Public Health inequality group Suicide support and engagement during COVID
Our CEO is the co-chair race equity and inclusion group
Pfizer community engagement with local Sheffield BAME group first of its kind in the country
Hosted webinar that saw experts discussing the vaccine with communities; covering issues in break out groups such as 1. Increasing representation in Vaccine Development 2. Program Delivery reducing vaccine hesitancy what have we learned so far 3. Implementation getting the vaccine out *
Continued our work as a business support link for BAME communities
Setup and supported the BAME maternity working group
Hosted 29 Meetings on a fortnightly basis co-chaired with Sarah Hepworth from Public Health.
Worked with the DWP in engaging with BAME communities
Averaged 2.5 days per week being accessible to all BAME communities (with a focus on the 30+ on our list), in Sheffield as required
Provided support to the Chinese community during COVID hate crime and community engagement
Support to ACP partners on ad hoc basis for advice and guidance on issues relating to BAME communities engagement as needed
Continued our work with A&E community engagement
Helped and supported the move more strategy